miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017


Dear students,

In this unit we are going to study the different conditional sentences. As we have seen in class, there are 4 main types of conditional sentences:

ZERO CONDITIONAL (universal truths):

IF+Present simple, Present simple

If you heat water to 100ºC, it boils.🍵
(Si calientas agua a 100ºC, hierve).

FIRST CONDITIONAL (probable situations):

IF+ Present simple, WILL

If you study, you will pass the exam.📖👌
(Si estudias, aprobarás el examen).

SECOND CONDITIONAL (Hypothetical situations):

IF+ Past simple, WOULD+infinitive

If I won the lottery, I would buy a mansion.💲💰
(Si ganara la lotería, me compraría una mansión).

THIRD CONDITIONAL (impossible situations/regrets)

If + past perfect (had+participle), WOULD HAVE+ participle

If I had known Brad Pitt was in Madrid, I would have gone to see him.👨📷
(Si hubiera sabido que Brad Pitt estaba en Madrid, habría ido a verle).

Their use and their structure (specially with ZERO and FIRST conditional) is the same in Spanish, so you shouldn't have problems with that).

To see the prezi, click HERE.

And here you have the video with explanations in Spanish (you know I am a youtuber now 😂😂).

I hope you have found this post useful. See you in class
